Monday, 26 January 2015

Bridlington and Burley

into 2013
Spent last New year in Dublin,

and the previous one in Moscow.

into 2014

So this year, in post-Seasonal and Seasonal Concerts and General End of Term  Recovery I decided to spent a day walking along the seafront at Bridlington, and then come back for John and Charlotte's do in Burley.
seabirds posing at Brid harbour

Before: ice
After:Just a shadow 

dry docked at night

The little hotel was great; got shown to my room before any attempt was made to sign me in. Recommend the Mont Milais to anyone. I walked along the prom at night, and then all next morning. By the bridge besides a sea-bound rivulet, the morning sun had melted the ground ice except where the fence bars got in the way. When I came back two hours later, only shadows remained.

dry docked in the day

The train home on New year's Eve changing first in an empty Hull station then in an empty Selby Station seemed as as remote as crossing from St Petersburg to Helsinki. But having your tickets checked was a whole lot less stressful! Eek!

Here's some party pictures including the lantern which didn't in the end get any higher than the house,

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